
Typical dinner table seating...

Brynlee has been a little diva lately, as I have already discussed in the past on here. She has gotten into a bad habit of sitting in her own seat at meals for about 5 minutes and then she wants to come sit on someone's lap to finish. She starts by pushing all of her things (plate, silverware, cup) toward us and then proceeding to get up and crawl across the table to us. If she is strapped in her chair she screams and throws a tantrum to get out. She does not want to be done eating, and let me tell you she will get super mad if you put her down on the floor, but she just can't handle sitting by herself anymore. Needless to say, it is super annoying. I have not allowed her to do it to me because I tend to have a policy about not having anyone sit on my lap while I eat, I can't stand it. So, she doesn't do it to me anymore. But, guess who does?!? Yep, Paul! I keep telling him it's his own fault and he just needs to be tough with her, but he can't seem to do it yet! Hee hee hee! She also does it to my sister and Aunt Shari every single time! They can't say no either and she knows it. Oh, the life of a toddler...18 months going on 13....

Hope you enjoy the pic of the empty chair I had to take to document that nobody is sitting in it. :)

Bryns at the park

Little Turkeys

I got these cute turkey hats in the dollar aisle at Target and thought they would be hilarious for the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving if Ashley and I do it again this year! The kids loved trying them on!



This girl seriously loves shoes. I love it! She wakes up and wants shoes on! She sees someone with sparkly or fun shoes and she loves them! She gets new shoes and she becomes obsessed with them! I see many fun shopping trips in our future! Girls are so much fun. :)

The daredevils...

Grady has gotten so brave when playing at the park. He will grab onto this pole and slide down it all by himself now! He has to talk himself into it every time but he loves it!
And Brynlee has always been brave...too brave. Now that she has her cast off she is trying to learn how to use both arms again to climb. She still only really uses her left, but is getting the hang of the right. She also has learned to climb this thing! Scary.

Nightly walk

We have been going on walks every night since the weather has been so beautiful. One night last week I walked the kids to the mall so I could go pick up a couple things and this was how I saw them sitting in the store. It was so sweet. Don't worry it only lasted for about a minute and then they were fighting again...

Good odds

Grady had pretty good odds at this wedding! He was one of the only little boys and there were tons of little girls dancing! :)

Brynlee liked to try to play with Joy! And by 'play' I mean take her food, cup, toys, books, etc.....

Cutie pie

Apple Orchard

We took a little trip to the apple orchard by Ceresco last week with Ashley and her friend Amanda. It was a beautiful day to be out picking apples! A nice little outing and something different to do, we are always game for that! :) Grady had apple week at preschool that week too, so it was a fun thing for us to do after he had talked all about apples all week. He lives to tell us the process of how an apple grows!

New red boots

I got these red boots at our neighbors garage sale for two dollars. Best two dollars spent ever! Brynlee is obsessed with them. We had to sneak them off of her before bed. She is such a girly girl! Loves her shoes, make up, everything!
Isn't her pajama ensemble so nice? I think she had spilled on the shirt that matches those pajama bottoms or something...

No more cast

Brynlee got her cast off!! She only had to have it on for four weeks. The x-ray showed that he could still see it a little bit so she just has to be careful for a couple weeks. Taking off was torturous... she hated it and was so mad that it was getting off! When it was done she kept pointing to it and holding her arm out to put it back on her. It was so sweet and sad at the same time. Even when she saw me putting it in her closet the other day she screamed and pointed and held her arm out for me to put it on her