
Grady's 3rd 5K race

Grady participated in his 3rd 5K race.  He did 2 last summer when he was 4 months old and now he started his first of the series for the summer.  Paul and I both ran it together while Paul pushed Grady in the jogging stroller.  He did great the whole time and just looked around at all of the sights while he played with his steering wheel.  It was a great way to start the summer because it was an 80 degree day, which was much better weather to run in than what we have been used to.  I was having problems breathing because of my allergies, but that was the only problem of the day! 

Grady and Mommy after the race!

Ready to get out of the stroller!

"Tailgating" with Daddy after the race while we waited for Aunt Ashley to finish the 15K.

My new cheese smile!

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